Custom Wine Cabinets Refrigeration System Installation Project in Laguna Beach, California
- 1Determining the Most Appropriate Cooling Equipment for the Laguna Beach Custom Wine Cabinets
- 1.1The Best Type of Refrigeration Unit for Small Wine Storage Spaces
- 1.2The Team from Arctic Metalworks Inc. Installed a Unico High Static Pressure Forced Air Unit
- 2Arctic Metalworks Inc. – Leading Wine Refrigeration Specialist in California
Arctic Metalworks Inc. recently worked with a client who owned four gorgeous custom wine cabinets in a luxury home in Laguna Beach, Canada. The HVAC experts had to find the best refrigeration equipment that could cool the wine storage structure.
David Gype and his team of HVAC experts at Arctic Metalworks Inc. recently had the chance to work on a challenging project in Laguna Beach, California. There were four elegant custom wine cabinets in a luxury home that needed to have a refrigeration system installed. This wine storage structure had very limited space to vent air in and out. The challenge was to find cooling equipment that would allow David and his team to use extra thin ducting. Learn about the type of HVAC unit that the team used for the project!
Determining the Most Appropriate Cooling Equipment for the Laguna Beach Custom Wine Cabinets
There are various options to storing wines, and each storage space has different requirements. To provide wines with the ideal temperature and humidity for aging, custom cabinets should be installed with cooling equipment that can meet their storage needs. An HVAC expert can help determine the most appropriate refrigeration unit for any wine storage structure.
The Best Type of Refrigeration Unit for Small Wine Storage Spaces
Three Arch Bay is a private, oceanfront community located in the southern end of Laguna Beach, California. The client’s remodel home had custom wine cabinets that needed to be installed with a cooling system. The project was challenging for the team from Arctic Metalworks Inc. because they had to look for cooling equipment that would allow them to use smaller ducting.
A team of refrigeration specialists from Arctic Metalworks Inc. recently worked with a client who owns four beautiful custom wine cabinets in a lavish oceanfront home in Three Arch Bay, located in Laguna Beach, California. The wine storage structures extended from the ceiling to the floor and were sealed by glass doors.
The client wanted to have a refrigeration system installed. But, since the reach-in style custom wine cabinets had very limited space to vent air in and out, David and his team of HVAC technicians had to look for cooling equipment that would allow them to use extra thin ducting.
The Team from Arctic Metalworks Inc. Installed a Unico High Static Pressure Forced Air Unit
David and his team of HVAC specialists installed the Unico High Static Pressure Forced Air Unit for this Laguna Beach project. This type of cooling equipment is a split type ducted refrigeration system, which means that the cooling unit is placed in a separate room and cool air is ducted into the custom wine cabinets.
David and his team of cooling experts decided, together with the client, that the most suitable refrigeration equipment for the Laguna Beach custom wine cabinets was a ducted split type system. In this setup, the HVAC unit is placed in a room separate from the wine storage structure. Cool air is ducted from the unit into the wine cabinets, and warm air is ducted out.
A Unico High Static Pressure Forced Air Unit was installed in this project. This particular equipment utilizes high static pressure, which means that the technicians can use smaller types of ducts that can fit tight spaces.
Forced Air Units (FAUs) typically use pipes that are a minimum of six inches. Standard FAUs do not have conduits that are smaller than that size. But, with the type of Unico HVAC unit that the cooling experts installed, two-inch ducting can be used. This is because the refrigeration equipment has a built-in high static fan that can increase the supply of pressure. There was a total of eight pieces of two-inch ducts that the team from Arctic Metalworks Inc. installed. Each of the four custom wine cabinets had two pieces of conduits, which were small enough to reach the cabinet’s very tight areas.
David and his team used a total of eight ducts for this project. Two ducts were assigned per wine cabinet, one for venting cool air into the storage space and the other for taking warm air out. The two-inch conduits used by the HVAC technicians were made of aluminum flex, which is a very durable material. It does not easily tear or leak.
The two-inch ducts that the HVAC specialists used are made of aluminum flex, instead of a polystyrene type of barrier. Aluminum flex is a dependable material because it does not easily tear or leak. All of the four custom wine cabinets are cooled efficiently, effectively, and quietly. The outcome of the project made the client very happy.
All of the four Laguna Beach custom wine cabinets are cooled efficiently and effectively. And, since the refrigeration equipment is located in a separate room, there was no noise inside the storage structure.
Arctic Metalworks Inc. – Leading Wine Refrigeration Specialist in California
David Gype is the owner of Arctic Metalworks Inc. With many years of experience in the wine storage refrigeration industry, David knows the best types of equipment for any kind of cellar or cabinet. His team of HVAC experts are all trained to provide quality services, such as installing and maintaining all types of wine cooling systems in California.
For more than two decades, Arctic Metalworks Inc. has consistently provided quality refrigeration services for wine storage structures, such as manufacturing, installing, and maintaining all types of cooling equipment. David Gype, the owner of this HVAC unit contracting company, has a thorough understanding of the special storage needs of wine. He and his team of experts always make sure that they provide wine rooms in California with the most appropriate and the most effective cooling equipment. Customers are always satisfied with David and his team’s services.
Get more information about Arctic Metalworks Inc.’s products and services. Call them now at +1 (714) 251-6875!